“The world’s thrown into chaos, earthquakes, fires; but that’s fine, you knit your sock.” -Tom Servo

Boba Fett update #1


I got my helmet! The problem is, I got it about 3-4 days later than I should've. I paid about $13 extra for shipping to get priority 2-3 day shipping. I got it in 5-6 days. :/ Oh well...

Okay, I forgot to take some "before" pictures before I started to work on it, but here's a pic I found online of what it looked like.

The paint job sucked, the visor was crap and I could only see a little bit out of it, it's not as "wide" as the movie Fett helmet, and I couldn't move the rangefinder up. Somehow Rich got the finder to move up, and he got bored while Chris and I were playing Star Wars Battlefront II, and used a pocketknife and pliers to rip off most of the clear plastic on the visor.

Yesterday, I spent most of the day at the art building. I used a Dremel and cut off the rest of the visor, and sanded off the plastic pieces left on. I also sanded the whole helmet, and the copyright info off the back of the helmet. I spray painted the brown parts of the helmet a burgandy color. That paint took only 15 minutes to dry, but the green paint was regular spray paint, so it is still drying despite me painting it at around 11pm last night. It's dry enough to touch, but I got a little green on my fingers from touching certain places on it. I REALLY want to put the paint damage on it, but I have to wait until the paint is completely dry since I'm not sure if the painter's tape will pull off any paint. The red I'm sure won't come off, but the green...just to be safe, I'm waiting until either tomorrow or sometime later in the week depending on the weather.

The cheek area between the red and the green still needs to be painted, but it looks great so far:

Once I'm done with the paint job, I'll be putting in the new visor. :D

+1 to my nerdiness rating...


For awhile I've been wanting to make a certain costume just because it'd be awesome, but I was thinking I'd start working on it next summer since I'd have more money and time. Yesterday, after being inspired to begin it by seeing Rich making the armor for this character out of sheet metal because he was bored, I bought this:


Ladies and gentleman...I'm gonna be Boba fucking Fett!

Now, there is no way in hell this will be done for Halloween this year, but that's fine. This costume would just be awesome to have. The helmet is going to be repainted, the visor replaced, and just fixed up in general. The hardest part of this costume is probably going to be finding a jumpsuit that not only fits me well, but is also the right color and style. The armor is not going to be made with sheet metal like Rich's is, but Sintra, which is a special PVC plastic that I can put in boiling water to make it soft and then form it over a mold. Can't work on the armor here since the dorm hall has no stove, so it'll be a special project to work on over breaks or when I go home on weekends.

I'm glad I got the helmet. Sometimes I have a tendency to say I'm going to make things, but never follow through with it...well, now that I'm getting the helmet, I'm more likely to work on it. There will be cursing over the process, and the fact I might have a hard time finding some materials, but hopefully in the end I will be successful.

And yes, I'm going to be one short-ass Boba Fett. (I'm 5'2", he's 6'. :P)

For the curious, here's the sites that talk about ways to make the costume:

Leave the comments about how nerdy I am, please. :P

(P.S: If you don't know who Boba Fett is...sit your ass down in front of a TV, watch all 6 Star Wars films, and don't talk to me until you're done, got it? Good.) ;)


I'm currently in the computer lab of my dorm, working on a project for programming. I look at the time, and it says 3:14. The first thing in my mind is this: "Mmmm, pie."

Damn I'm nerdy. :D

Speaking of nerdy, Weird Al's new song, "White and Nerdy," is about 10000 degrees of awesomeness. Go to my Myspace to hear it since it's now my profile song.

Now I'm hoping there's some tasty pie for dinner at Wilsbach. Preferably apple or chocolate pudding...

Juuuuust avoiding work. ;)


1. Who is the last person you held hands with?
I have no idea...

2. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
Hell no. :P

3. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?

5. Have you ever won a spelling bee?
Never participated in them.

7. How fast can you type?

8. Are you afraid of the dark?
Awesome show. :P

9. Eye color?

11. When is the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
A long time ago...

12. Do you knock on wood?
Yeah, sometimes.

13. Are you drinking anything right now?

15. Can you hoola hoop?
Yep, just haven't done that in years.

16. Are you good at keeping secrets?
Maaaaaaaaybe. ;) Yes.

17. What do you want for Christmas?
Probably a Nintendo DS Lite (Damn you Square-Enix for making FFIII for the DS!!!)

18. Do you know the Muffin Man?
Not at all.

19. Do you talk in your sleep?

20. Who wrote the book of love?
No one, because there are no set rules of love. Everyone loves differently. :)

21. Have you ever flown a kite?

23. Do you consider yourself successful?
In some ways, yes.

24. How many people are on your contact list of your cell?
13 entries, but some are for the same person.

25. Have you ever asked for a pony?
Nah, I'm allergic to them.

26. Plans for tomorrow?
Go back to Oneonta, decorate my dorm a little, then see if the guys are playing Mario Kart DD or something.

28. Missing someone now?

29. When was the last time you told someone 'I love you'?
My dad before he left on his business trip to Italy.

31. How are you feeling today?
Eh, so-so I guess.

32. Are you black?

33. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?

34. What are you looking forward to?
Hanging out with people at college again.

35. Have you ever crawled through a window?

37. Have you ever eaten dog food?

38. Can you handle the truth?
I try to take in some truthiness everyday. ;)

39. Do you like green eggs and ham?
I try not to poison myself, thank you very much.

40. What 3 things you always bring w/ you to places?
My cell phone, my mp3 player, and my wallet.

41. Any cool scars?
One on my lip.

42. Do you like or have a crush on anyone? Do they know?
My, aren't we nosey? ;)

43. How many kids do you plan on having?

44. What do you do when no one is watching?
I listen to my mp3 player and pace around the room like crazy.

45. Have you ever been in love?

46. Do you talk to yourself?

47. Is there something/someone you want that you can't have?
Doesn't everyone have one of these?

48.Three things about the opposite sex that you first notice?
Height, hair, smile.

49.Who are you thinking about right now?
People. :P

50. Who did you last hug?
My mom.

51. Where is your phone?
Right next to me.

52. What was the last thing you ate?
Blueberry Toaster Struedels.

54. Favorite Color?

55. What is the last movie watched?
Dracula: Dead and Loving It.

56. What song do you currently hear?
The random music they play on Fox News since my mom is watching it in the other room.

57. What do you want?
Many things.

58. Would you ever date anyone on your friends list?
(Uh, in reference to my Myspace list if you people are curious). And the answer is already have.

59. What TV Show are you watching?

60. What is your cell phone number?
Something with a 0 in it.

Wow, I rarely update this thing anymore. :P Anyways, lots of things happening lately. Like the freaking out thing in the previous post...well, I'm currently riding the single train again. It's okay though, Rich and I are still friends, and just before we left for break this weekend I was hanging out with him and participating in his Dungeons and Dragons campaign, where we ended the night by having a few of our characters get into a drinking contest. Gabe's and mine's passed out vomiting, and Shane's wandered off wasted and looking for some steak to eat. Fun times. :)

About me

  • I'm Chicky
  • From United States
  • I'm a college student who loves art, knitting, video games, and other random things.
  • My profile

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