For awhile I've been wanting to make a certain costume just because it'd be awesome, but I was thinking I'd start working on it next summer since I'd have more money and time. Yesterday, after being inspired to begin it by seeing Rich making the armor for this character out of sheet metal because he was bored, I bought this:
w00t!Ladies and gentleman...I'm gonna be Boba fucking Fett!
Now, there is no way in hell this will be done for Halloween this year, but that's fine. This costume would just be awesome to have. The helmet is going to be repainted, the visor replaced, and just fixed up in general. The hardest part of this costume is probably going to be finding a jumpsuit that not only fits me well, but is also the right color and style. The armor is not going to be made with sheet metal like Rich's is, but Sintra, which is a special PVC plastic that I can put in boiling water to make it soft and then form it over a mold. Can't work on the armor here since the dorm hall has no stove, so it'll be a special project to work on over breaks or when I go home on weekends.
I'm glad I got the helmet. Sometimes I have a tendency to say I'm going to make things, but never follow through with it...well, now that I'm getting the helmet, I'm more likely to work on it. There will be cursing over the process, and the fact I might have a hard time finding some materials, but hopefully in the end I will be successful.
And yes, I'm going to be one short-ass Boba Fett. (I'm 5'2", he's 6'. :P)
For the curious, here's the sites that talk about ways to make the costume: the comments about how nerdy I am, please. :P
(P.S: If you don't know who Boba Fett is...sit your ass down in front of a TV, watch all 6 Star Wars films, and don't talk to me until you're done, got it? Good.) ;)