“The world’s thrown into chaos, earthquakes, fires; but that’s fine, you knit your sock.” -Tom Servo

What's up?


Quite a few things have happened. Here's the Cliff's Notes version of what's been going on since my last update.

1.) Prom. We had a great time then. It was very crazy with all of the parents at my house trying to take about 1000 pictures of us, and my face was hurting from smiling. Dinner at the Plantation House, which was very good. Went to WalMart to use up some of the free time we had between dinner and Prom. Then, to the McKinley! Danced it up all night, and then went to the high school for the post prom. Went back to Walmart around 5 am to get a Starscream toy I saw there, which Ross bought for me as payment for dinner. :) Then, had breakfast at the Skylark.

2.) Star Wars: Episode III. Saw it on opening night with Ross. I didn't believe that we would get tickets, but amazingly, we did! I have to say, this was one of the best Star Wars films I have seen. Anakin was less of a whiny bitch, there was lots of ass-kicking-Yoda action, and of course, Darth Vader.

3.) "Mezmerize", System of a Down's new CD, came out on the 17th. I went out right after school to get it, and I have been listening to it constantly whenever I could. Awesome CD, and I can't wait for part II, "Hypnotize", to come out in July.

4.) Senior Art Show. My artwork is currently hanging in the tree room at the high school right now, so anyone who wants to see what I've been working on can do so.

5.) Economics paper. Finally started that. 7 pages done at the time of this writing, and at least 3 more to go. Ack! o.O

6.) Man's birthday was on the 26th! We held a surprise party for her at my house, and that went very well. She didn't suspect a thing. ;) I got her a Billy Joel CD set for her birthday, and she really enjoyed herself at the party.

7.) Filled out my houseing application for Oneonta.

8.) Learned how to make hemp jewelry after buying a kit.

9.) I was asked to design the invitations for retiring staff, and administrators, for the Senior Banquet.

And, that's it, I think. And now, I have to get some more school work done. Oh yeah, right now, there are 10 school days left, plus 3 exam days, before I'm FREE! For a couple months at least. ;)

Stil going...


Yay! Made it to the 2:00 mark! Let's see if I can make it for at least another half hour. I should probably go for 3...

It is currently 1:30 in the morning. I'm trying to stay up as late as I can, so I can sleep in, and then (hopefully) be able to stay up for the prom and post prom. My eyes are so tired, I've yawned about 20 times, and my body is screaming at me to go to bed.

Death to sleep! Mwahahaahahaaah!

...well, for the next half hour at the least.

Interview with an artist


Three journal entries in one day. Man I need something to keep me amused. ;)

This entry concerns an interview. In Ross's LJ he was doing something where we ask him to interview us, and he then asks us 5 questions. Then we post the questions and replies in our journals, and offer to give interviews to anyone who comments. I doubt a lot of people read my Blog a lot, but I'll see what happens.

1. What was your expectations on that sno ball day?
Not too sure. I may have been expecting something when I decided to go on a blind date, but I can't remember what those expectations were. Whatever they were, they were blown away by the person I met. :)

2. What would be the ideal sci fi movie to be a character of?
You'd think I'd have no problem answering this considering I love Sci-Fi films, but I had to think this one over. A lot of the Sci-Fi films I like are horror films, or just have a lot of depressing things involved, so I wouldn't want to be a character in them. Just to be weird, MST3K: The Movie. I'd love a chance to mock some of the awful films I've seen with the help of Tom and Crow *cough*Daredevil*cough*
(For those who've gasped over the fact that I didn't put Transformers: The Movie down, it's because a lot of my favorite characters die, so there's no point in being in it.)

3. if you could choose a life of fame or a life of fortune which would you choose?
Fame means that I would be in the spotlight, and while it's nice once in awhile, I'd get sick of being the center of attention all the time. Fortune.

4. if you could tell the world one thing have the ears and hearts of billions of people behind what would you say?
I would love to say something philosophical and wise, but I'd probably get nervous and instead scream out something geeky like "NI!"

5. Do we live life with a purpose or live life to discover that purpose essentailly without a purpose at all ?
I believe that our lives have a purpose to them.

For those who wish to be interviewed, leave a comment saying "Interview me" or something, and I'll get back to you.

(Check back in an hour, and I might have another entry up. I'm on a roll tonight. :P)

Mary Sues and bad reviews


I've been browsing the forums for the website Godawful Fan Fiction, and was reading a topic about "fangirl revenge emails." Now, when I was a complete fangirl back in my day, I never sent out any harassing replies to anyone who reviewed my fiction. However, I was curious to seeing if anyone left any bad ones for me. So, I logged onto Fanfiction.net, and went to my old screen name (which hasn't been updated in years.) There, I have some horrendiously bad fiction, with many typos, gramattical errors, and worst of all, Mary Sues. I checked my reviews, and didn't find anything of interest until I got to one story.

It was the first one I posted online. The plot was that choice characters from certain fandoms, namely Beast Wars, Digimon, and Gundam Wing, were at my house, and they get the bright idea to blow up characters they hated on TV. Stupid, I know... Here's the review from "the only one who doesn't do drugs of any sort or isn't retarded" (Yes, that's how it's signed), for your amusement.

"But, what about Gundam Wing, Beast Wars, and Digimon?"
Ash: "Those guys?! Gundun Wang, and Best Wars are off the air…"

(Pause for an immuture giggle over the typo. ;) )

Okay first i would like to start of by saying this is so fucking wrong gundam finished meaning no need to show the old eps. Same for beast wars and 2nd you hate beast machines but you like beast wars even thoe beast machine is the sequel of beast wars??? Wtf are you smoking?? you know what?? FUCK YOU! CHA BITCH EAT A MOTHER FUCKING DICK, CHEW ON A MOTHER FUCKING PRICK AND LICK A MILLION MOTHER FUCKING COCKS A SEC! You fucking retarded little fucker killing of a anime (pokemon) just cause it is badly dubbed! You selfish bitch i hope you fucking burn in hell for your shit.

Amused? I was. :) I just love the fact that this person decided to write a swear-ridden flame "review" instead of a proper critique of my work *end sarcasm* I mean, I do think it's crap, but still, even crappy writers deserve polite reviews for their fiction.

Some of you might not find it as funny as I do, but I don't care. :P

Right now I'm reading an article on X-Entertainment about the ROTS Midnight Madness sale at the Toys R Us in Manhattan. Just reading about the craziness makes me want to go buy an Anakin figure. Sadly, I know that once the Transformers movie toys come out, I'll be one of those people standing in line. (Hasbro ownz my soul... *cries*)

Here's the article if you're curious, and look at the rest of the site, too. (The guy is a Transfan, and that gives an A+ in my book.) http://www.x-entertainment.com/articles/0930/

I seriously can't wait to see Episode III. The Sci-Fi geek in me is jumping around with happiness. I wonder if I can get tickets for Thursday...sadly, it's the day before my research paper is due, so unless I finish it soon, I won't be able to go. Plus, the tickets might be sold out by now...eh, we'll see. I'll also have to find some other Star Wars fans to come with me. Anyone want to go see Episode III if I'm free Thursday?!

La Traviata


Today I went to see an Opera for the first time. It was called La Traviata. Ross was seeing it for a class, and he asked me to come along. I hadn't seen an Opera before, and I thought it'd be a great experience, so I went. It was great!

The basic story was this: (Act I) Violetta was holding a party in her apartment, and everyone was drinking and being merry. She suggests that all of the guests go into the next room and dance. She gets short of breath, and tells them all to go ahead without her. Alfredo stays behind, and tells her of how he had loved her for a year afar. Violetta questions whether she should accept his love, or continue her lifestyle of going from pleasure to pleasure. She decides to go with him.

(Act II) Three weeks later they are living together in a lavish house. They're having trouble paying for the place, so Violetta sells most of her belongings in secret. Alfredo finds out, and goes to solve the problem. While he is gone, Alfredo's father comes to see Violetta. He tells her that she should leave him so he could go marry someone else. She protests, saying that she is dying from a fatal illness, and doesn't want to go on without Alfredo. The father insists, and Violetta decides to agree, and leave Alfredo. She leaves a note, and then heads off for a party with one of her friends. Alfredo finds out she left, and decides to go after her. At the party, Violetta is with the Baron, and Alfredo tries to talk with her. He gets angry at her, and basically insults her. The other guests tell him to get out, and his father shows up to say how he doesn't recognize him as his own son anymore. The Baron challenges Alfredo to a duel, and he accepts.

(Act III) Violetta is laying in bed at her home in Paris, with her servent Annita. The doctor comes to see her, and tells her that she'll be alright. Violetta doesn't belive him, and he tells Annita that it is a matter of hours before she dies. Violetta contemplates how her life was, the duel which Alfredo won and injured the Baron, and how she won't be able to see Alfredo again. Alfredo and his father come in at her last moments, and they both proclaim their love for each other, before Violetta dies in Alfredo's arms.

Sad Opera, but it was beautiful, and we enjoyed it. It was pretty weird because most of the audience there was older than both of our ages combined. We felt so young. ;) I suggest that people go give Opera a try. (And before you ask, the reason I understood what happened was because there was a screen at the top with English subtitles.)

Well, now I have to get crankin' with my Shakespeare paper and the Economics paper. Ick...

1st of May!


Well, it's now officially May, and I have about 2 more months left of high school. It's amazing just how long I've been in school, and how close the end of it is. Very exciting, yet very sad at the same time. However, just because it's almost over doesn't mean that I have relaxing time. I've still got some things that I need to do, and things planned, before the end of the year.

(Sort of) School related stuff.

-Research paper for Shakespeare.
-Research paper for honors credit in Economics.
(These two items fall into the category of , "Eh, I'll do it later." ;) )

-AP Art Exam
(It's this Friday, but I'm not worried about it. I've just got to finish matting my pieces, and label the slides.)

(Still need to get stuff for the dress.)

-Senior Class Trip

-Dorney Park Trip
(With my physics class. Thankfully Liz and Katie are going, or else I'd be driven insane by everyone else. o.O )

-Senior Art Show
(I have to get my stuff together for it. Unfortunately, my best stuff won't be shown because they'll be sent off for the AP exam. They won't be returned to me until early July, late June.)

-Graduation Party
(Trying to figure out the date for it. I'm thinking of having it the day after Graduation, so I can go other people's parties that are the day of Graduation. Maybe I'll make the decorations myself. That'd be fun. :) )

Some stuff that's not necessarily related to school things.

-Movies that I plan on seeing:
i. Episode III
(A very dark movie judging by the previews, and hopefully very good!)
ii. War of the Worlds
(I've read the book, listened to the radio show, and saw the 60's film. This is one of my favorite Science Fiction stories, so I'm very excited to see this!)
iii. Kung Fu Hustle
(No comments needed if you've seen the previews.)

-System of a Down's new CD, "Mezmerize", comes out May 17th.
(FINALLY! ^-^ )

-Static-X's new CD, "Start a War", comes out June 14th.
(Just found this out while browsing online. Yay! ^-^)

-Going to an Opera with Ross
(I've never seen an opera before, so this will be interesting.)

-Finish some of my knitting projects

-Work on another painting
(Don't know what it'll be about yet, but I want to work on something.)

-Paint designs on my bedroom walls

-Find out if I have a summer job
(Still haven't gotten a call back from anywhere I've applied to.)

So, those are the things I have planned to do before the end of the school year. When it gets closer to the end, I'll be putting up a list of things that I plan to do this summer before I head off to Oneonta State. I've already got some ideas for it. :)

About me

  • I'm Chicky
  • From United States
  • I'm a college student who loves art, knitting, video games, and other random things.
  • My profile

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