Well, seeing as how I haven't updated this thing in forever, I thought I might do just that. (AKA: I need to study for Calc II, but I hate Calc II, so I want to do this instead)
Over the past two months, I've realized more and more things I have learned about relationships, and the ones I've been in. Firstly, I've learned to listen to the voice in my head. The first two relationships had their good moments, but they were clouded by the bad ones enough that I could not be involved anymore. There were times that in my mind I was hearing "this isn't right. Get out now," but I didn't listen. The first one I waited WAY too long to listen to the little voice. The second, I acted on it sooner. It did help in that one though that neither of us felt the same anymore, so it worked out for the best. I still hang out with the guy, too, which I feel quite lucky about since it's a rarity apparently for people to go from a relationship to friendship with no hard feelings at all. :P
My biggest mistake was just jumping into dating someone instead of getting to know them first as a friend. I was able to manage a little with the first one, but I sadly learned about the bad things about him too late, and it hurt. The second one I saw what I didn't like early on, but tried anyways. We both realized that we could be friends, but not a couple, because we just acted like friends only, and not really anything more. So, my advice to you all (AKA: whoever reads this damn thing :P,) is to learn to be friends first. From my experience, it makes everything so much better. Phil and I have been friends since freshman year. We hung out a lot, learned about all the things we had in common, and were there for each other when we had problems and needed someone to talk to. I've learned so much about him, good and bad, that I was able to see clearly what I would've been getting into if I attempted to date him.
And you know what? That was the best thing ever.
It's been said that the best relationships were friendships first. I can say with all my heart and soul that this is very true. It's only been a little over two months into this relationship, and I've felt more connection and affection than I've ever felt before.
I'm not saying I regret my past relationships. Far from it. I savor them as learning experiences. I've been able to think about what I wanted out of a relationship, and out of life. I've been able to see what makes me happy and unhappy, and make decisions on what to do. I noticed as time went on that I was able to be more outspoken about things that were bothering me. I was too meek at first to say anything, and that caused me months of stress and aggrivating my nervous habits. Now I only get those habits back over school stuff. I was also able to gain a few more friends out of the second relationship, and something to do on Friday nights (yay Dungeons and Dragons!)
I've learned that I'm the type of person who likes being given lots of affection. Things like holding my hand, looking at me for no reason, and small kisses on the hand. That's what I like. I love being surprised. I love being with someone who can act goofy when needed, and serious when appropriate...but mostly goofy. I also love being reassured when I'm feeling sad that the world isn't ending, and that it'll get better.
When I was having problems in a relationship before, Phil told me that everything was going to be all right. Fast forward a few months, and he and I are together. One night, he gave me a hug, smiled, and told me "I told you everything was going to be all right."
And he was right.
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