Hell froze over; I finished another project. :)
This time it's a hat. Kate showed me a store in town that sold pretty wool yarn, and I bought a hank that was rainbow colors. It's verigated, which means that it's thick in some places, but thin in others, so it makes my stitches look interesting. I decided to make a hat with it. It came out a little too big, because it's supposed to be a tighter winter hat and I changed the pattern around without testing to see if it would still come out the right size (Oops). But when I rolled it up even further, it still looks great. I was so happy with it that I wore it to the College Life class dinner yesterday. Wanted to wear it today, but it's pouring out, and I have no idea how the yarn would react to the water.
I did take other pictures of the hat to show more of it, but I like this picture the best. I didn't even mean to only get half of my face in the photo, (it's hard to get my cameraphone at the right angle.) For you facebookers, this is my new profile pic.
I think I'm going to end up having even more projects to finish, because I learned that there is a yarn store that just opened here. My budget, free time, and sanity cries. :P
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