So, after buying myself my first digital camera, I've been having fun playing with it. And I also decided to take some pictures of a couple of my WIPs.

This is the Mitered Squares Triangle Shawl. I'm making it out of Lion Brand Pound of Love yarn in denim blue. Basically it's being made one square at a time, and I'm attaching it by picking up stitches along the sides of the already made squares. It starts flat, but as I go along it makes a V shape as I knit a couple stitches together every other row. It's started from the bottom of the shawl up, so the last thing being made is the top of it. I'm still going for making the 72 inch wide version, but we'll see...

This is going to be the stuffed baby penguin chick for Rich. I'm using the same acrylic yarn, Canadiana, that I used in the first one, but I'm also using JoAnn Fabric's "Mink" yarn, which is why it looks so fuzzy soft. :) This part is the body and the head of the penguin. It'll look adorable once it's done.
And that is all. I leave you now with a picture of Joel acting like a tough guy.

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