Published Friday, July 21, 2006 by Chicky.
I found the cutest thing while out on another yarn shopping expedition. I thought I could only find this online, but I saw it at the first lys I went to.
A sheep tape measure!

There's white ones and black ones, but the black ones are hard to find. Considering I found a whole basket full of them, I decided to get the black one while I can. To get to the measuring tape, just pull its tail and it comes out. To retract it, squeeze it.
It's so cute!!!!!! :-D I'm gonna pick up the white one sometime.
Other knitting updates:
-Made one sock of Pomatomus from Knitty in a bright pink. Looks nice, and fits well. :)
-Frogged the Skully sweater I was making with the Lopi yarn, and restarted it with Wool-Ease Chunky. It's much softer, machine washable, and I'll be able to wear it without needing a long sleeve shirt underneath it.
I also put what will be my last day at JCPenney. I was originally planning to give myself a week off before school started, but seeing as how I'm scheduled very few hours anyways, I decided to just work that week.
Published Monday, July 10, 2006 by Chicky.
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You are Merino Wool.You are very easygoing and sweet. People like to keep you close because you are so softhearted. You love to be comfortable and warm from your head to your toes.
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Hmmm, cool. :)
Uh, not much to update. I do have one or two projects done/almost done, but I don't feel like posting pics right now. Bwah. :-P