“The world’s thrown into chaos, earthquakes, fires; but that’s fine, you knit your sock.” -Tom Servo

Milk Chocolatey-Goodness


You are Milk Chocolate
A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds.You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.Also nostelgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago.
What Kind of Chocolate Are You?

Yummy yummy yummy. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but I love milk chocolate. :D (Hey, good thing Valentine's day is coming up...despite that I've got so much candy in my dorm I could munch. :P)

So other than one or two other things popping up to make me feel sad, I've been feeling much better. I finished a scarf, and the weather was beautiful yesterday. Tonight I hope to go to the Grand Slam Poetry Slam, so I'm happy. :)

*munches on a milk chocolate bar...preferably one from Gertrude Hawk.*

Bad day...


Today sucked...

1.) Yarn store was closed, and we walked in the rain.
2.) Got splashed with muddy water by a car.
3.) The Sprite I've been drinking for the past month went out of date in October.
4.) Found out the yarn for my sweater is two different shades...and is very noticable.
5.) The ice cream I bought to drown my sorrows in wasn't too good.
6.) Not a good IMing day for me...
7.) A drawing I was working on and loving so much I tried inking with a dip pen...which dropped a huge BLOB on top of it. To make it worse, it looks bad inked, especially with my shaky hand, and I should've just left it as a sketch, when it looked awesome.

I am now going to take a shower and cry during it because I need a hug or something. But with my luck today the fire alarm is going to go off while I've got shampoo in my hair...why me?

4 things...


4 jobs I've had in my life.
I was commissioned to design invitations for the senior banquet, but wasn't paid. :(
(Uh, the list should get bigger after this summer...hopefully)

4 Movies you watch over and over
The Matrix
The Lion King
Kill Bill

4 Places you've lived
Johnson City

4 TV shows you love to watch
Law and Order
Law and Order: SVU
Emeril Live

4 Places you've been on vacation
New York City

4 Websites you visit daily
The Allspark
Real Life Comics
People's blogs (update them, yo!)

4 Favourite foods
Tuna Noodle casserole (with cream of cheddar in it)
cheese quesadillas
macaroni and cheese (with the sauce, not the powdery crap)
grilled cheese and spagettios (See a pattern here?)

4 Places you'd rather be right now
Home with the family and boyfriend
Sitting on my bed playing Path of Neo
Same thing, only knitting
Out art supply shopping

So, I found that in someone's blog, and thought it was cool. I'm supposed to tag people, but I'm kind of lazy, so if you want to fill one out be my guest. :D

For fun, and not part of it, here's 4 projects I'm working on right now:
Knitting my first sweater
A hat made of silk yarn
Cabled scarf
Drawing of one of my characters

So that's what I've been working on lately, (instead of doing Stats homework...booooring :P), plus I've been playing The Matrix: Path of Neo on my PS2 way too much. Whoever said that this game wasn't too good hasn't played it before. Bah. :P

I may be coming home next weekend, because someone I know is having an art gallery showing at BU. She gave me good advice for college, so I'd love to go see the opening of the gallery. Plus I also need to grab some stuff at home, (me? Forget things? Never! :P)

Holidays, artsy stuff, and freeloaders


Woah, long-time-no-update, eh? :)

So how was everyone's holidays? Good? Yeah, mine too. :) Got to hang out with my friends, spent some time with awesome guy, and worked on my knitting and artwork anytime I felt like it. Got some more yarn and a PS2 for Christmas, saw The Producers and other good films, and participated in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign that Ross is the DM for. w00t.

Now I'm back at Stoneonta, and liking the new semester so far. I'm taking a couple night classes which aren't too bad, but the way my schedual is set up allows me to have Fridays off! :D I can work on stuff so I don't have to do anything over the weekend, but knowing me I'll just doodle or something instead, go figure...

Valentine's day is coming up, and this year I'm going to do something more than I usually do. I never really celebrated it too much except for the cards you gave out in elementary school, and my family would give us Smidgens every year. Never saw the point in it, and thought it was silly to show love for someone only once a year when there are 364 other days to do so. Or maybe I was just cynical, I dunno. (Then again, I could come up with a cynical thought for just about every holiday/celebration. :P)

But this year I'm actually going to do something, and it should be exciting! When I thought about it, Valentine's day is just another opportunity to show someone you love them, kind of like Christmas, so that makes it seem even better.

It's better than Columbus Day, where we celebrate a guy invading the Americas and taking it over from the Native Americans...(this whole train of thought started when I was reading my US History book, which is what I should be doing right now. :P )

My last train of thought for the evening is this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000E1YVZU/104-3013180-6887138?v=glance&n=130 Which is where the "freeloaders" part of my post title came from, (thank you, Ross. :) ) RENT comes out February 21st, and I want to scream with happiness. And I will.


*ahem* That is all.

About me

  • I'm Chicky
  • From United States
  • I'm a college student who loves art, knitting, video games, and other random things.
  • My profile

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