Just a couple notes
Published Tuesday, June 27, 2006 by Chicky | E-mail this post
-The Schoolies are rockin' Trivia lately. Second place twice in a row! One week with 196.5 points, and yesterday with 80-pi (we were one of two teams to get the last question right, which was why our score was so low. :p)
-Interview With The Vampire is an amazing book. I was so into reading it one night that I stayed up reading until my eyes were so tired that the words were all blurry on the page. I went out and bought The Vampire Lestat and Queen of The Damned so I can continue the series when I'm done with that book.
-I've got two more squares done on my shawl, the body and the base of the penguin done, and I started making this afghan in a yarn that Man gave me for Christmas:
http://www.freepatterns.com/fp_pdfs/Other/Knitting/cables_coming_going.pdfHere's the pictures:

The penguin.

The shawl.

Detail shot of the shawl. The flash washed it out, so I took the photo without flash, which is why the color is darker. But you can see the pattern.

Here's the blanket! The yarn is Caron Rainbow Dreams in the Jet Stream color. This blanket is made with holding two strands of yarn together, which is why there's two skeins in the picture.

Detail shot of the pattern in the blanket.
-I'm almost done with Kingdom Hearts!!!!! I can go finish the game and beat the last boss, but I want to do the sidequests and get some other things done so I can get the secret ending. :) Other than that, plus beating the GBA game, Kingdom Hearts II is on the horizon. Yaaay!
That is all I can think of for now, so I'll leave you with a picture of my little dog, Paddy, that will make you go "awww."
Awwwwwwwww! :D
did u take down the other post? cuz you had one about the transformers trailer and then i tried to watch it and it had gone bye bye! =(
Yes I did, because the producers requested that the trailer be taken off that site. So, no point in having it up anymore. :(