Published Monday, September 26, 2005 by Chicky.

Hell froze over; I finished another project. :)
This time it's a hat. Kate showed me a store in town that sold pretty wool yarn, and I bought a hank that was rainbow colors. It's verigated, which means that it's thick in some places, but thin in others, so it makes my stitches look interesting. I decided to make a hat with it. It came out a little too big, because it's supposed to be a tighter winter hat and I changed the pattern around without testing to see if it would still come out the right size (Oops). But when I rolled it up even further, it still looks great. I was so happy with it that I wore it to the College Life class dinner yesterday. Wanted to wear it today, but it's pouring out, and I have no idea how the yarn would react to the water.
I did take other pictures of the hat to show more of it, but I like this picture the best. I didn't even mean to only get half of my face in the photo, (it's hard to get my cameraphone at the right angle.) For you facebookers, this is my new profile pic.
I think I'm going to end up having even more projects to finish, because I learned that there is a yarn store that just opened here. My budget, free time, and sanity cries. :P
Published Wednesday, September 21, 2005 by Chicky.
I just found out that Hypnotize, disc 2 of System of a Down's 2 CD set, is coming out November 22nd. The day after that, RENT hits theaters.
I can't wait for Thanksgiving break. :D
Published Friday, September 16, 2005 by Chicky.
From the way the games seem to come out, we'll be seeing the game mentioned above in about 10 years. Not that I'll complain. ;)
The only complaint right now is now I have to finish Final Fantasy VII soon, because the sequel, Dirge of Cerberus, is set to come out in November. One of the sites says this game might not be an RPG at all, so I'm very interested in seeing this. Also, there's a Final Fantasy XII set to come out next year. That one I can't wait for, because apparently they use real-time battles like Kingdom Hearts, which should be fun! I know I won't finish FFVII in time for the sequel, but maybe by the time I do the price of the new game will have gone down.
So as of now, I have 3 Final Fantasy games to finish (VII, IX, and X), 3 to begin, (VIII, Tactics, and X-2), plus finishing Kingdom Hearts, beginning it's sequel, and soon I'll have two more Final Fantasy games on my "To Play" list. With how busy college will keep me, I expect to finish these games by the time the Playstaton 5 comes out. I should buy a used PS2 to play the games in my spare time. :P
That is all, you may return to your normal lives, (but not after clicking the link in the previous post if you haven't already. ;) )
Published Tuesday, September 13, 2005 by Chicky.
For all you music lovers out there, Ross has been working on getting his music recorded and put online for all of you to hear. As of this post "Sail Ho" and "I want you to die" is up for your listening pleasure.
Now click the link, or else!
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=28914448&Mytoken=D6EA31EF-56D6-445E-921DE9D26CFC926F1017130890EDIT: The songs are now up for download, too. :)
Speaking of Ross, the weekend before last he came up to visit me on Saturday, which was great. We toured around Oneonta for awhile, I got to try some pineapple pizza (still want to try banana, though...), and even took a random trip up to SUNY Delhi for no reason other than we could. Later he drove me back home where my dad made me some tuna noodle casserole, (which I ate too much of), and we watched the second Harry Potter movie until about 2 in the morning. I had so much fun that weekend, and I was so happy that he came up to visit. I have been missing him, but the fact that we're not too far away from each other and can visit helps me feel better.
Last weekend I spent here. On Friday, Nessa, Kate and I just hung around. We had fun with those little frisbees that my mom sent with me, and walked around the campus a bit. On Saturday we went to a huge event in town where it was like a bunch of yard sales put all down Main Street. Got about 7 new pairs of earrings there. :) Then went to the fair at the Hunt Union, where we got some cool wax models of our hands done. Then later I threw the new frisbee I got around with Kate, and we played some video games later (including Bond, which I owned Kate in. ;) ) Sunday I played Ultimate Frisbee with a bunch of people, and then I hung out with the girls while watching Anger Management.
That was my weekend, and the next one I'm probably going to go home for a visit.
By the way, wish Lina a Happy Birthday! She's 19 today!
Published Monday, September 05, 2005 by Chicky.
I was in class today. Yep, that's right. Oneonta didn't give its students the day off, so while you guys were enjoying sleeping in, I was up at 8, getting ready for classes. I'm not that mad about that anymore, though. Apparently since they didn't give us Labor Day off, we get 5 days off in October instead of 1 or 2 that other colleges get. So, it's not so bad.
Another thing I can report on is that I love my parents. Why? Because they brought me 12 cans and 12 bottles of the chocolatey goodness that is Yoohoo. Huzzah. :D
That is all, and I return to my studies now.