"Hey look, Ted's being eaten."
Published Saturday, March 11, 2006 by Chicky | E-mail this post
Well everyone, I have an announcement to make. :)
I have a new friend, and his name is Joel.
Joel is such a cutie. He's quiet, and loves to just explore his environment. He was a little nervous when he first arrived, but he calmed down after awhile. Joel likes to act macho against other guys, even his own reflection. He likes to stare at Michele and I, and when I woke up this morning he was just staring at me, which was cute. He's red in color, and has long flowy fins.
Yes, Joel is a fish. A betta fish.
The past few days I've been doing research on taking care of bettas. Thursday evening I set up the tank, and Friday afternoon I went out and bought him. Moving him into his new home was a pain in the ass since I forgot to buy a fish net (oops), but he's adjusting nicely. I named him Joel after the first host of Mystery Science Theater 3000 because I love that show, and Joel the human wore a red jump suit the same color as Joel the betta. Had I gotten a blue betta, his name would've been Mike, after the other MST3K host. (Someone tattoo "dork" on my head please. :P )
Here's a pic of him in his tank.

The next couple of pictures came out blurry, and he's supposed to be a brighter red color. I'll have to try to get better pics sometime. :)

And here he is flaring up at his reflection in a mirror, which is really pretty to see in person.

For those who don't know where my title came from, it's from Monty Python's Meaning of Life, with the fish in the tank at the beginning.
Cool addition to your room. I had a little tank in my dorm room way back when. Good luck with Joel!
I love that you named your fish after Joel! If you ever get a goldfish, to keep the MST3K theme going, it can be "Crow". :)