So this weekend I spent Friday night and most of Sunday working at JCPenney, no problem. Saturday I mostly did Statistics work (boo...), but that evening Robert and I went to the movies to see this:

Afterwards he and I both agreed on one thing: BEST VIDEO GAME FILM EVER!
Now, I'll admit I haven't played Silent Hill (yet...), but still, that doesn't give me the right to form an opinion on it, right? It was way better than the Tomb Raider films, Final Fantasy, Doom (haven't seen, but that's what Robert said), and possibly any other game film that exists. I'm going to count Stay Alive in there, too, even though it technically wasn't based off a game. :P
Now, the movie and the game are supposed to be wicked scary, but the movie wasn't scary to me at all. The only part that made me jump was when the main character, Rose, walked into a garbage can because it made a loud noise. The movie didn't rely on the typical loud noises to make people jump (which was good in my opinion), but it (tried) to use just the visuals and things like that to scare. Despite the fact there was a creepy little girl in it (I hate creepy little girls in movies...which is why the Ring scared the hell outta me), I wasn't scared at all. I was more mesmerized by how cool the monsters and the special effects were. I even thought the girl was really cool. The ending did make me go "Uh...", but other than that, awesome film.
So, Silent Hill ranks as the top video game film on my list, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again or buying it when it comes out. That opinion might change when I see Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (comes out tomorrow, but won't see it until after finals), or the Halo movie (can't wait!)
And I really can't wait to play the Silent Hill games. >:D
(Oh, and I'm not sure if you people know how to comment with the new template, but if you click the number by the post title, it'll take you to the comment page. :) )
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